Drinking Enough Water Can Make a Difference in Your Day
We all know that we need to stay hydrated throughout the day, but what exactly does staying hydrated mean? Research shows that you should...

How to Handle the 1L Job Search: Persist in the Face of Long Odds
The following article is part two of a series authored by Cameron Chan, one of PracticePro's wonderful Diversity Scholars. Cameron's bio...

How to Incorporate Exercise Into Your Schedule
Nobody really enjoys waking up at 5 am to get in a morning workout before a grueling day at work or school. Most of us end up hitting the...

How to Handle the 1L Job Search: Figure Out What You Want and Take Calculated Risks
The following article is part of a two-week series authored by Cameron Chan, one of PracticePro's wonderful Diversity Scholars. Cameron's...

Sleep is More Important Than You Think!
I’m sure we all know how important sleep is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but for some reason, it feels like we never have time to...

Here's Why You Should Read Non-Legal Texts:
Most of us spend our time reading briefs, contracts, or casebooks. However, if we spend all of our time prioritizing legal texts, we...

Resilience is Vital to Wellness!
Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. As we move into the new year, we all reflect on numerous triumphs and...