Washington D.C. Diversity Reception: Steve Riddick’s Keynote Speech
Steve Riddick gave the Keynote Speech at PracticePro’s Washington D.C. Diversity Reception last month. Steve spent 22 years working in...

San Francisco Diversity Reception: Amy Fliegelman Olli’s Keynote Speech
Today we wanted to bring you Amy Fliegelman Olli’s Keynote Speech from PracticePro’s San Francisco Diversity Reception last month. Amy...

Texas Diversity Reception: Byron Cherry's Keynote Speech
Byron Cherry gave the Keynote Speech at PracticePro's Texas Diversity Reception last month. Byron spoke about the journey that led him to...

Diversity and Inclusion in IP Law: 2019 and Beyond
This article is re-published from Haynes and Boone, one of PracticePro's Diversity Founders, and written by Brian C. Kwok. Brian is a...

Diversity Scholar Program Strengthens Under-Represented Voices in Law
Despite better representation among summer associate classes, the legal profession remains one of the least diverse in the country....

Troubleshooting Law Firm Diversity Efforts
The legal profession is attracting a growing number of people from diverse backgrounds: Women, ethnic minorities, LGBTQ and people with...

5 Survival Tips for New Associates
You have your JD, you’ve been admitted to the bar, and you’ve clinched the associate position you wanted. To family and friends, you’ve...

The Enemy Between Your Ears: How To Not Stand In Your Own Path To Success
More than one new associate has thrived in law school and landed the job of their dreams, only to find themselves stressed out and...