Here's Why You Should Read Non-Legal Texts:

Most of us spend our time reading briefs, contracts, or casebooks. However, if we spend all of our time prioritizing legal texts, we never truly give our brain a break. It might be satisfying to relax by flipping through social media or watching a tv show before bed, but studies show that screen time before bed can actually impact the quality of your sleep. Instead, we suggest reading an entertaining book before going to bed. Here are some tips on how to incorporate non-legal texts into your schedule:
1. Pick a text that you’re passionate about
We all have different interests, spanning topics such as romance novels, cookbooks, or self-help books, etc. Whatever your interests may be, find a text that speaks to you in both entertainment and quality. Don’t be afraid to venture into something new about a topic you’re fascinated by or something unexpected to your normal reading interests. As long as you’re excited to read something, put it on your reading list! It may even help to set goals as for how many books you read in a month or in a year, to give yourself an ascertainable goal to achieve.
2. Diversify your reading list

It might get a tad boring to keep reading the same types of texts. If you’re starting to feel like you've read the same thing over and over again, pick something unexpected for yourself. I personally love to scan through New York Times Bestsellers and pick something at random.
If you’re someone who usually prefers fiction, try to switch it up with an interesting nonfiction text! Books and other texts allow us to use our imagination and create our own personal world within a writer’s text, this ability helps to relax our minds. Relaxation is a key part of wellness that may be difficult to achieve, but switching up your daily routine with non-legal texts can certainly help!
3. Create a comfortable reading environment
Something about a cozy reading nook and a cup of tea sounds like the perfect environment to start a new book. You want to make sure that the lighting isn’t so dim that you fall asleep but also not so bright that it reminds you of your office or your law school library. Finding the balance in creating your reading environment is vital to facilitating your reading time.
4. Set aside some dedicated reading time
Let’s face it, we’re busy and we’ll probably always be busy. However, that’s no reason not to prioritize certain activities for yourself. If you find reading to be relaxing, carve out specific time to read during your day. You might not always have the time or energy to read in the evening, but try to fit in a few minutes or a few pages here and there. Sometimes we just need to put aside our social media or our work and give our brains a break with a fantastic novel.