Firm Founders - Took Crowell, Crowell & Moring LLP
In 1979, the founding partners of what would become AmLaw 100 firm Crowell & Moring LLP wanted to create a different kind of practice ..

Summer Associate Guide: The 3 Basic Elements of Making a Good Impression
In this multi-part series, PracticePro’s Niki Moore explains each phase of the summer associate hiring process—and how you can excel at...

The Enemy Between Your Ears: How To Not Stand In Your Own Path To Success
More than one new associate has thrived in law school and landed the job of their dreams, only to find themselves stressed out and...

1L Fears: Advice to LGBT law students
Many LGBT individuals decide to pursue a legal education each year. Like other law students, they have to navigate the difficult waters...

The View from the Top – Fortune 500 Clients on Lawyering Skills, Training, and Diversity
The legal profession has been under much scrutiny the last few years. Do new graduates possess the right lawyering skills to be practice...