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Resilience is Vital to Wellness!

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. As we move into the new year, we all reflect on numerous triumphs and difficulties from 2018. However, a large part of wellness is the ability to overcome hardships or failures and being able to come out stronger on the other side. Being resilient is not always easy and can take time and effort to perfect. We’ve compiled the following four tips for becoming more resilient in 2019:

1. Take decisive actions in tough situations

When a difficult situation arises, take the time necessary to assess the situation but don’t be afraid to take decisive actions. If we truly take the time to judge a situation and understand why it happened, we’ll generally be able to find a resolution or identify the next logical step. The ability to move forward helps us become more resilient, even if you can’t necessarily solve all of your problems with a decisive action.

2. Be adaptable and maintain flexibility

Life throws us curveballs, especially when we least expect it. If we treat every difficult scenario as if it’s the end of the world our ability to problem solve diminishes and we get stuck in a loop of negativity. In the legal field, there’s always something coming out of left field that we might not be prepared for. The trick is being able to adapt quickly and problem solve. You might not always get the ideal outcome, but you’ll know that you’ve done the best you can do. The ability to adapt helps us move from situation to situation without dwelling too much on the negative.

3. Laugh it off

Pardon the cliché, but laughter is often the best medicine. Humor can go a long way in diffusing a situation and being able to move past something. No matter how much we try to predict the future, we often can’t and sometimes we just need to laugh it off.

4. Find the silver lining and remember this too shall pass

A situation may seem like the end of the world if you scrutinize it in the moment. However, if we’re able to separate yourself from an outcome and think about how you might feel about the same situation a week, a month, or even a year into the future, you’ll find more emotional clarity.

It’s so easy to fall into cycles of negative thought, particularly when something difficult happens. However, finding the bright side in every situation can have an immediate effect on your state of mind. By highlighting a positive aspect in any situation, you’ll be able to realize that things are never as bad as they seem. The ability to recognize that is a strong component


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