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Scholar Spotlight: Chelsea Olivera

Meet 🤝 Chelsea Olivera, PracticePro Diversity Scholar – The University of Miami School of Law, Class of 2023.

Amanda Jones

Question: What practice area(s) are you interested in? Where are you working this summer?

Chelsea: Healthcare! Specifically, I'm interested in regulatory and transactional work involving hospitals and large health organizations. I will be working as a law clerk at Wolfe Pincavage in Miami this summer.

Question: What inspired you to pursue a legal career?

Chelsea: A combination of my passion for economic justice and health equity, and a wonky interest in healthcare law and policy.

Question: What do you do for fun? Tell us one fun or interesting non-law school related thing about yourself.

Chelsea: My second major in college was Art History and my favorite thing to do is visit art museums. If I wasn't pursuing law, I'd probably be an art historian with a focus on modernism (1900-1950).

Question: What’s your favorite book or quote, and why?

Chelsea: “Because of most of what we say and do is not essential, ask yourself at every moment, “Is this necessary?”” – Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. So much of the stress of daily life is caused by unnecessary tasks, thoughts, and things. Focusing on the essentials is the best way to stay balanced.


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