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Scholar Spotlight: Chayla Sherrod

Meet 🤝Chayla Sherrod, PracticePro Law School Mastery Scholar – University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School, Class of 2023.

Amanda Jones

Question: What inspired you to pursue a legal career?

Chayla: I have a picture of Elizabeth Eckford, one of the Little Rock Nine, as my phone screensaver. She left to go to school and was confronted by an angry mob of white men and women, who did not believe she deserved the right to attend school with white children. She is a reminder that even when the world thinks you are less than, you show them why you are not. The pressure of being a black woman in the legal field can be overwhelming, but I am reminded of our ancestors and how they chose death over bondage. No one should have to do that. I think that is my why; the reason why I chose to go to law school. It is my motivation every day.

Question: Do you have any prior work experience prior to law school?

Chayla: I was a 2018 U.S. Fulbright Student Researcher to Windhoek, Namibia

Question: What do you do for fun?

Chayla: Sing!

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