Focus on Moving Forward

For many of you law students out there, you’ve probably either finished a year in law school or graduated altogether. Regardless of where you are in your education or even your career, you’ve probably had a tough moment in your life that you’ve really stuck to or focused on. Whether it was a rough final that didn’t go how you expected it to go, or a client meeting that ruined your day, you’ve probably been stuck on something that happened in the past. The problem with being stuck in the past or really hanging on to a mistake you made, is that you’re unable to move forward.
Let’s face it, even if you made a mistake, the world didn’t end and you got right back up and focused on your next task or assignment. The problem is, constantly thinking back to a mistake you made leaves you stuck in the past and increases your stress level over something you can’t go back and change. We’ve compiled the following tips to help you prioritize moving forward instead of being stuck in the past:
1. Remember that one mistake doesn’t define who you are
In the legal field, most of us have a personality type that pushes us to be better, work harder and improve constantly. However, that can also hinder us because when we don’t fit that mold and we make a mistake, we feel that it’s a poor reflection of us and that’s hard to let go. If we didn’t make mistakes, we wouldn’t be human. Instead of punishing yourself for doing something wrong, push away those negative thoughts and remember that you can push through anything and find a light at the end of the tunnel.
2. Embrace the fact that mistakes happen

Sometimes you’re just extremely tired and can’t focus on everything, so a mistake slips through the cracks. Sometimes you’re 100% diligent and you still might make a mistake. This is just the nature of the world, no matter what we do, we’re going to make a mistake. In a way, mistakes are the best learning experiences that teach us how to deal with new and unexpected situations or adjust to our current circumstances. Regardless of how you view it, don’t let your mistakes bog you down, be able to reflect on your situation without allowing it to make you miserable because mistakes are just a happenstance of life.
3. Take everything one day at a time
Have you ever laid in bed, thought about something you did or didn’t do, and just completely spiraled from there? We’re our own worst critics, and I know that I personally often find myself thinking of worst-case scenarios and stressing myself out over things that haven’t even happened yet. As lawyers, we’re trained to predict risk and track cause and effect, but don’t let that permeate your personal life. Be able to approach issues or mistakes one day at a time, without allowing one problem to prevent you from moving forward with your life on a daily basis.
4. No matter what you’re going through, remember it isn’t permanent
Sometimes it’s really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I promise you, it’s there, you just need to do a little extra work in finding it. Instead of being critical of yourself and your actions, find a way to find the positive in yourself and your life. As bad as it gets, being willing and able to move forward, can help you prioritize your well-being both personally and professionally.