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Don't Take it All So Seriously

Today’s Wellness Wednesday is brought to you by Niki Khoshzamir, the founder and CEO of PracticePro. Niki reminds us not to take it all so seriously despite the stresses of the legal profession and our personal lives. She has provided us with the following wellness tips for this week:

Wellness Tip #1: Put yourself in a situation to feel insignificant: If we look at our worries in the grand scheme of the entire universe, we can get a really healthy perspective. Maybe the things we worry about that we must do, are actually privileged that we get to do them.

Wellness Tip #2: The 50-year rule: Ask yourself, as important as something seems, will it matter 50 years from now? Does this have the potential to become a regret? This helps you prioritize things that might fall through the cracks in the midst of urgent things that may not ultimately matter as much.

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