What is Wellness?

We would be remiss to claim that wellness is just one thing. While the word wellness is defined in the dictionary as, “the state of being in good health,” how does one achieve wellness? The truth is that no one really knows. Wellness is unique to each individual’s experience. What wellness means to you can also constantly change depending on what your priorities are and what’s important to you.
However, there are seven dimensions to wellness that help set the parameters for this discussion. Here are the dimensions that help shape the concept of wellness:
1. Social Wellness:
It’s not always easy to keep up with the social responsibilities of our day to day lives. This wellness concept highlights the importance of effective communication with your support network. It’s easy to shut people out and try to focus on your responsibilities, but it usually isn’t healthy. To keep up with this portion of your wellness journey it is vital to maintain relationships and open networks of communications with those that matter to you.
2. Emotional Wellness:
Life isn’t easy, and emotional wellness is all about recognizing that. From a young age, we’re taught to respect the feelings and values of others. As adults, we often forget that we need to respect our own feelings rather than suppress emotions that we would rather not deal with. Emotional wellness is also about finding the optimism to not only work through your emotions but maintain positivity while doing so.
3. Spiritual Wellness:
This portion of wellness is all about identifying your values and principles and living in harmony with them. In order to take control of our own lives, we need to take ownership of our beliefs. However, that doesn’t mean that we can’t push the boundaries of spiritual wellness through discovery and curiosity.
4. Physical Wellness:

This refers to the direct impact on your body. Physical wellness relates to adequate sleep, exercise, nutrition, and hydration. Not only should you focus on keeping your body strong and healthy, but you must also be able to recognize warning signs or issues. Listing to your body and its needs is the main point of physical wellness.
5. Environmental Wellness:
Your environment isn’t just your home, it’s your school or your office space, your gym, your parent’s home, etc. Your environment extends out much farther than you realize. Environmental wellness ranges broadly from giving back to your community to making sure you feel comfortable and at ease in your own home.Being socially responsible and being aware of your daily habits is a key part of the concept of wellness.
6. Occupational Wellness:

Don’t worry, we didn’t forget about your profession! Given that we spend so much of our day at work, it’s natural that this would be a part of your wellness journey. This portion of wellness is where you’re really going to focus on work-life balance. The key is ensuring that you are fulfilling a career that brings you joy in the long term while also making time for hobbies and friends that keep you balanced outside of your occupation.
7. Intellectual Wellness:
Intellectual wellness doesn’t just stop when you graduate law school. This portion of wellness is about being open to new ideas and viewpoints while striving to learn as best you can. Our minds function best when we are continuously inspired and actively learning. Intellectual wellness is integral to our personal and professional growth.